The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management signed five further contracts for co-financing projects in the field of water and sewage management, including with MWiK Bydgoszcz.
For the project entitled "Modernization of the Kapuściska sewage treatment plant - stage II and implementation of an intelligent water and sewage network management system" will be the responsibility of Miejskie Wodociągi i Kanalizacja w Bydgoszczy, which will be supported by its subsidiary Chemwik (authorized to incur expenses related to the sewage treatment plant). Bydgoszcz's activities at the sewage treatment plant include increasing the efficiency of the expanded sludge management and reconstruction works on used facilities, especially the mechanical part. The expected ecological effect will be the processing of 7.7 thousand Mg/year of dry matter of municipal sewage sludge.
The project should be completed by the end of 2021. Its total cost will be nearly PLN 94 million , including an EU subsidy of almost PLN 49 million .
The project will be co-financed by MWiK (PLN 5 million) and Chemwik (PLN 22.7 million).
- The co-financing agreement was signed by the President and Member of the Management Board of Municipal Waterworks and Sewerage in Bydgoszcz - Stanisław Drzewiecki and Sławomir Rybarski .
- DS Consulting experts were responsible for preparing the application documentation.
Full information has been published on the website of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management at,1205,nfosigw-przyznal-106-mln-zl-wspiera-na-piec-inwestycji-wodno -sewage.html
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