15 May 2020

Norwegian funds for blue-green infrastructure

The Minister of Climate announced the extension of the deadlines for completing the call for applications for co-financing projects announced on March 13, 2020 under the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Program.

One of the recruitment processes interesting for our clients concerns  the implementation of investments in the field of green and blue infrastructure in cities.

The new deadline for submitting applications is  August 17, 2020 .

The aim of the recruitment is to increase the resilience of cities to negative phenomena resulting from climate change and to adapt to these changes by implementing investments in the field of green and blue infrastructure in cities  with fewer than 90,000 inhabitants. inhabitants .

Types of eligible projects include: activities related to increasing resilience to climate change and reducing emissions, including: from transport and other sectors, including  revitalization and development of green areas and better management of water resources, e.g. through water retention .

The application form should include  educational and awareness-raising activities  as integrated parts of the application.

We invite you to cooperate in preparing the funding application and the necessary attachments.




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