09 February 2018

New rolling stock for SKM

CUPT (Center for EU Transport Projects) presented a list of projects planned to obtain funding under the Operational Program Infrastructure and Environment - in competition No. POIiŚ.5.2/1/16 for Measure 5.2 Development of railway transport outside TEN-T.


Among the seven projects awarded funding was the project of  PKP SKM w Tricity Sp. z o. o  . entitled  "Purchase of 10 new electric multiple units for agglomeration transport and modernization of rolling stock maintenance facilities" .

EU support is planned in the amount of PLN 160 million, which constitutes 50% of the expenditure.

Tomasz Złotoś,  a spokesman for PKP SKM Trójmiasto,  quoted by  the portal ryb-kolejowy.pl,  said:

– We are pleased to announce that the project prepared by  PKP SKM in Tricity, in cooperation with DS Consulting , was rated very highly by CUPT (96.61 points out of 100 possible) and took second place in this competition.

In the opinion of  Piotr Łangowski , responsible for DS Consulting's preparation of application documentation:


"The acquisition of ten completely new, modern trains will enable us to improve the quality of transport services and ensure passenger travel comfort."


Link to CUPT information:  https://www.cupt.gov.pl/aktualnosci/1103-kolejowe-inwestycje-z-unijnym-wspieram-wiecej-o-wynikach-konkursu-dla-dzialania-5-1-i-5 -2


We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the projects implemented by DS Consulting .


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