We are pleased to inform you that DS CONSULTING Sp z o. o. has opened a branch in Lublin.
This will be an opportunity for us to have closer contact with customers in southern Poland, but also to expand the competences of our company.
The Lublin team also includes experienced consultants. They will bring to DS CONSULTING their knowledge and experience in the area of revitalization projects, ICT, preparation of strategic documents and social research.
District Court Gdańsk-Północ
in Gdańsk, 7th Commercial Division of the National Court Register. Share capital PLN 50 thousand PLN was paid in full
NIP: 957-07-12-015
REGON: 191594824
KRS Nr 0000204210
street 3 Maja 18/4
20-078 Lublin
s. Jaśkowa Dolina 11b/3
80-252 Gdańsk
Lublin Office
Gdańsk Office
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