22 December 2017

Modernization of the Świnoujście – Szczecin fairway

On December 21, the Director of the Maritime Office in Szczecin signed an agreement on co-financing the project  "Modernization of the Świnoujście-Szczecin waterway to a depth of 12.5 m" with a representative of the Center for EU Transport Projects .


The participants of the meeting, which took place at the headquarters of the West Pomeranian Voivode, included: Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation - Grzegorz Witkowski, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Development - Witold Słowik, Deputy Voivode of West Pomerania - Marek Subocz, Mayor of Szczecin - Piotr Krzystek, West Pomeranian parliamentarians and representatives of the Szczecin and Świnoujście Seaports Authority SA

The signing of the subsidy agreement culminated the efforts of the Beneficiary and other supporting institutions to obtain EU funding, which is crucial for the feasibility of the Project.

DS Consulting, in cooperation with the design company Europrojekt Gdańsk SA, was responsible for preparing the Project Feasibility Study.


Selected information about the project.


Project title:



  "Modernization of the Świnoujście - Szczecin waterway to a depth of 12.5 m"


Source of funding: Operational Program Infrastructure and Environment for 2014-2020, Priority Axis III Development of the TEN-T road network and multimodal transport, measure 3.2 Development of maritime transport, inland waterways and multimodal connections
Project budget:
  PLN 1,384,980,000
Funding amount: PLN 1,177,233,000
Main goals of the project:



– improving the navigation safety of sea vessels on a wider and deeper waterway,


– improving the navigation of ships on the waterway and increasing the capacity of the track due to the reduction of the probability of a queue of ships on the waterway.


Project effect:
  deepening the waterway to 12.5 m on a section of approximately 62 km with simultaneous widening, construction and modernization of hydrotechnical facilities.


 Link to source information from the Maritime Office in Szczecin:  http://www.ums.gov.pl/200-podpisz-umowy-o-dofinansowanie.html


Interesting fact 1:  the project involves the construction of  two artificial islands  with marinas located on them in the Szczecin Lagoon, necessary to deposit the spoil extracted during dredging works related to the modernization of the waterway - approximately 23 million tons of dredging spoil.


Interesting fact 2:  legislative work includes a maintenance program that will provide financing after the investment is completed, during the life of the project. On October 24, 2017, the Economic Committee of the Council of Ministers issued a positive opinion on the draft resolution of the Council of Ministers on the establishment of a multi-annual program entitled "Maintenance of sea waterways in the Oder estuary area in 2018-2028." This is  the first multi-annual maintenance program in history adopted in the maritime sector and one of the few multi-annual programs of this type in Poland. So far, only multi-annual investment programs have been in place, and funds for maintaining investments came from annual subsidies from the state budget. Adopting it will allow the Maritime Office in Szczecin to optimize the costs of maintaining the fairway by commissioning the maintenance of the fairway parameters in a long-term perspective.


We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the projects implemented by DS Consulting .


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