Together with our business partner A2P2, with the support of experts from the Institute of Urban Development and Trako Systemy Transportowe, we are starting the implementation of the "Metropolitan Bicycle Concept for the Upper Silesian-Zagłębie Metropolis" .
The main goal of the Project is to provide residents with broad access to a healthy and ecological means of transport, and in the long term - to change mobility habits, emphasizing the importance of the bicycle as an effective means of transport "the first and last mile". The principles of operation of the system will be the same in each of the metropolitan communes, which will allow users to move freely and use bicycles as a means of communication.
The concept is intended to answer key questions from the point of view of the System implementation, including: regarding the number and type of bicycles, optimal arrangement of stations, as well as the possibility of integration with other public transport systems operating and designed within the Metropolis.
Multi-variant financial analyzes will be key, taking into account the costs and revenues related to both the implementation and maintenance of the bicycle system. As part of the work on the concept, we will consider various business and organizational formulas for project implementation, in particular the model of cooperation with a private partner in the public-private partnership formula.
We believe that good preparation of the system concept will significantly reduce the potential risks associated with its introduction and operation. The planned system is to be not only economically effective, but above all attractive, functional and comfortable to use for the inhabitants of the Metropolis.
Work on the concept has already started. On July 8-9, 2020, we hosted representatives of the Upper Silesian-Zagłębie Metropolis from the Department of Projects and Investments in Gdańsk . During the visit, formalities related to signing the contract were completed, but above all, the approach to the implementation of the Concept was discussed and a common vision for the implementation of the Project was developed.
The preparation of the Concept will last until November 2020.
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