10 June 2019

EKOGMINA 2019 conference – water and sewage industry

EKOGMINA 2019 conference


On June 5-6, 2019, representatives of DS Consulting at the invitation of Biopro Sp. z o. o. took part in the EKOGMINA 2019 conference.

According to the organizers, "EKOGMINA is a unique forum enabling the exchange of knowledge between experts and practitioners in the Polish water and sewage sector.

The aim of the conference was to create an effective platform for exchanging experiences in the field of methods used in water and sewage projects in Polish cities and municipalities.

On the first day, the moderator of the workshop titled "Optimization of operating costs and its impact on tariff adjustment" was Grzegorz Tomaszewski from DS Consulting.

In his speech, he focused on the financial conditions in the activities of water and sewage companies and the possibilities of shortening the validity period of three-year tariffs.


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