13 March 2018

DS Consulting – specialists in co-financing railway transport

Two projects for which DS Consulting experts prepared documentation received EU funding in the amount of as much as 85% of eligible costs.

We are proud to present the results of the POIiŚ.5.2/2/16 competition published by the Center for EU Transport Projects under the Operational Program Infrastructure and Environment,  Measure 5.2 - Development of rail transport outside TEN-T:


  • Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway SA – project titled "Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway Stage I - revitalization of the "Kokoszkowska Railway" Phase III - electrification of railway lines No. 248 and 253 along with the construction of the Gdańsk Firoga stop."
  • Association of the Szczecin Metropolitan Area - project titled "Construction of the Szczecin Metropolitan Railway using existing sections of railway lines no. 406, 273, 351."


It should be emphasized that projects supported by DS Consulting represent as much as 94% of the funds allocated by CUPT in the competition.

Link to CUPT information:  https://www.cupt.gov.pl/aktualnosci/1120-jeszcze-wiecej-unijnego-wpiera-dla-transportu-kolejowego-w-polsce-konkurs-dla-dzialania-5-2-roztrzyniety


We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the projects implemented by DS Consulting .



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