20 April 2018

Competition 2.2 Municipal waste management POIiŚ

Ranking lists in the competition no. POIS.02.02.00-IW.02-00-205/17 regarding municipal waste management have been published on the website of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.


The list, which includes projects with a positive rating and the highest number of points, includes projects of DS Consulting clients, including: Construction of Selective Municipal Waste Collection Points located in Gdańsk, Expansion of the Jarocin Waste Management Plant - Wielkopolskie Recycling Center and Modernization of the waste sorting plant at the Utilization Plant in Gdańsk .

DS Consulting experts will support the Beneficiaries' activities in the final phase of the process of obtaining EU funds, ending with the planned signing of funding agreements.


We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the projects implemented by DS Consulting .


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